International Journal of Modern Mathematical Sciences
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Table of Content for Vol. 22 No. 1, 2024

Stability and Dynamics Analysis of a Cancer Model with Differentiation Therapy
Sami Ahmed Ghazwani1, Abdelalim A. Elsadany
 PP. 1 - 14
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ABSTRACT: This paper introduces a cancer model for differentiation therapy and analyzes its mathematical properties. We explore non-negativity, boundedness, and equilibrium existence. Furthermore, we investigate bifurcations in the model, particularly transcritical and Hopf types. Using Sotomayor’s theorem, we demonstrate the presence of these bifurcations. Additionally, we validate our theoretical analysis by conducting numerical simulations and comparing them with the system’s phase diagram.

Application of Akbari – Ganji’s Method in Solving a Surface Coverage Model
S. Narmatha
 PP. 15 - 24
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ABSTRACT: A surface coverage model in an electrochemical arsenic sensor is solved analytically using Akbari-Ganji’s method. It is found that the solution derived using this method makes a very good fit with the numerical simulation. This method seems to be very efficient in obtaining the closest solution to the nonlinear model. The analytical solution obtained will help in predicting the relationship between the parameters and the model results.