International Journal of Modern Applied Physics
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Table of Content for Vol. 13 No. 1, 2024

Quantitative Analysis of Heavy Metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn) in Senegalese Powdered Milk Using XRF Spectroscopy: Implications for Nuclear Analytical Techniques in Food Safety
Papa Macoumba FAYE, Djicknack DIONE, Hamady SY Moussa, Nogaye NDIAYE, Oumar NDIAYE, Alassane TRAORE and Ababacar Sadikhe NDAO
 PP. 1 - 10
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ABSTRACT: This article conducts a quantitative analysis of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn) in Senegalese powdered milk using X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy, focusing on samples from the Senegalese market. Lead concentrations remained below the limits of detection, while copper and zinc exhibited variability, reaching maximum levels of 27.59 ppm and 81.71 ppm, respectively. Cadmium concentrations ranged from 9.96 ppm to 16.48 ppm. Health risk assessment, involving Daily Intake (DIM) and Reference Dose (RFD) calculations, revealed Health Risk Index (HRI) values below 1 for both adults and children, indicating acceptable health risks associated with powdered milk consumption. A comparison of HRI profiles between adults and children showed slightly higher risks for the latter. The study underscores the importance of rigorous quality control to address uncertainties in results and highlights XRF"s significance in assessing metal concentrations for nuanced risk assessments. These findings provide valuable insights into potential health risks associated with metal exposure in Senegalese powdered milk.

Negative Matter of Unified Dark Matter and Dark Energy and Its Observed Ways in the Milky Way, and Possible Mechanism of Missing Antimatter
Yi-Fang Chang
 PP. 11 - 25
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ABSTRACT: Based on Dirac negative energy, Einstein mass-energy relation and principle of equivalence, we propose the negative matter as the simplest model of unified dark matter and dark energy. All theories are known, only mass includes positive and negative. Because there is repulsion between positive matter and negative matter, so which is invisible dark matter, and repulsion as dark energy. It may explain many phenomena of dark matter and dark energy. We derive that the rotational velocity of galaxy is approximate constant, and an evolutional ratio between total matter and usual matter from 1 to present 11.82 or 7.88. We calculate the accelerated expansion at 9.76 billion years. Further, the mechanism of inflation is origin of positive-negative matters created from nothing, whose expansion is exponential due to strong interactions at small microscopic scales. We propose specifically some possible ways on observe dark matter in the Milky Way. Many observatories should be able to observe these results. Two evolutional processes from inflation to the matter-dominated universe produce the positive-negative matters, and opposite matters, respectively. Such we may propose a mechanism of missing antimatter when the attraction of the positive and negative charge is greater than the repulsion of positive and negative masses. The negative matter as a candidate of unified dark matter and dark energy is not only the simplest, and is calculable, observable and testable, and may be changed and developed.